Over the years I have worked with the hand silkscreen printing, drawing media, quilting and collage. All the while I have continued to paint with acrylic, oils and watercolors. My works are included in these collections Ernst and Young, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Duke, Princeton, UNC, UVA, IBM, Texaco, AT&T, Time Warner, CSX, Verizon and the US State Dept. among others.

Quilts Speak at NC Museum of History

Highlights from our day at the Quilt In with the Cedar Grove Quilters

NC history Museum Quilt In
Sarah Troxler at NC History Museum
Quilts by Cedar Grove Quilters at the Quilt In
Quilts by Nancy Oliver, Marcia McDade, Ruth Richardson and Joanne Mathis
Cedar Grove Quilts at the Quilt In
Orange Peel by Sarah Troxler, Small works by Kathi Lewis, and Morning Glories by Shirley Scarlett
Quilt In with Cedar Grove Quilters
Quilt Design by Barbara Phillips
Cedar Grove Quilters
Rachel Ray, Shirley Scarlett, Marianne Kimbro, Ruth Richardson
Members of Cedar Grove Quilters at NC Museum of History
Sarah Troxler, Marianne Kimbro, Ruth Richardson, Guest Quilter, Shirley Scarlett, Rachel Ray
Cedar Grove Quilters
Shirley Scarlett, Rachel Ray, Sarah Troxler

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